Dec312019UncategorizedThe Attorneys and Staff of Anzalone Law Offices, LLC extend best wishes for a healthy, happy and safe holiday season. Category: UncategorizedDecember 31, 2019Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Attorney Patrick Doyle Presents at NEPTLANextNext post:Anzalone Law Offices make food donations to first responders, encourages others to do the sameRelated PostsFrom Mundane Facts to a Shocking Verdict with Kelly Ciravolo and Jamie AnzaloneMarch 15, 2024Tractor Trailer InsuranceMarch 24, 2021Attorney Patrick Doyle Presents at NEPTLADecember 13, 2019American Association for Justice’s Trucking Litigation GroupDecember 12, 2019United Way Campaign Co- ChairsMay 21, 2018Geisinger settles suit for $800kApril 2, 2018